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Seven Effective Tips to Self-Publish a Book in Print

Authors spend a lot of energy writing a book. While many think writing is the hardest part of being an author, self-publishing authors may have different opinions. Of course, there is a lot more that needs to be done.

Self-publishing authors understand that they can publish their books physically or digitally. However, everyone can agree that physical books often end up outselling e-books. Print books can hold a great advantage for self-publishers.

Self-publishing a book in print requires attention to detail and effective marketing strategies. Like captivating YouTube thumbnails, well-designed book covers grab readers’ attention. Purchasing an ISBN enhances discoverability, while proper formatting and editing ensure a professional product. Avoid scams and engage a reliable book distributor to support your publishing journey. Market your book through various channels, just as QR codes connect users to digital content, and increase its chances of success.

While the process can seem intimidating, here are some tips to help you self-publish your book in print without exhausting yourself.

Publishing a Book

1. Hire an Editor

Many writers have difficulty understanding that being a good writer does not mean you are equally good at editing. This process requires a lot of attention and experience that can benefit all writers, especially novice writers. Of course, it is also important to remember that an editor’s objective point of view can help you see things you may have missed out on.

It is necessary to hire an editor for a self-publisher. No book is perfect, but working with a professional editor is your best chance at getting closer. From copyeditors to development editors, different experts can help you improve your work in different ways.

It is important to take your time to find the right editor for your book. It is better to look for someone who has experience in the field and settles well with deadlines. After all, you do not want to be stuck with someone who has unprofessional behaviour and disrupts the timeline or quality of your book.

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2. Enhance the Cover Design

You may have heard the greatest people of all time preaching not to judge a book by its cover. While this statement can be applicable in many situations, ironically, it is not applicable to books. Many readers agree that the book cover is the first thing that they notice about a book, and it can make or break their interest in a book.

A book cover becomes more important for self-publishers aspiring to publish their book in print. After all, a book cover is the first thing a potential reader notices while walking down the aisles filled with books. It is an important shot at making or breaking your first impression.

Book covers are an important marketing tool. Hence, it is important to hire the best professionals to work with you. Using a high-quality print with a well-made design can help your book stand out. In many cases, people cannot even tell if a book with a good cover is self-published or traditionally published.

It is best to share your thought process with your book cover designer. You can also share some hand-drawn illustrations to give them an idea of your expectations. In addition, you can also ask them for a sample to ensure that they are the right match for your needs.

3. Purchase an ISBN

One of the most important things every author must do is ensure that their book is easily discoverable. Of course, a book cannot be purchased if a potential reader is unable to find it. You can purchase an ISBN to improve your book’s discoverability.

You may ask yourself what is ISBN. An ISBN is a 13-digit code that helps publishers identify an individual product. It helps publishers and retailers keep track of the books in stock, place a timely order, and track the sales of your book. In addition, this code also helps in efficiently marketing a book.

Purchasing an ISBN for your book ensures that you have complete control of your work. An ISBN is needed if you want to sell your book effectively. An ISBN also ensures your book’s availability in libraries as a way to promote your book.

4. Format with Care

There is nothing more off-putting for a reader than opening a book with an attractive cover just to find bad formatting on the inside. This view can make a potential reader put your book back in its place and look for other options. You cannot afford to lose readers, for mistakes are small as such.

A readable typeface can create an inviting view for the reader. Hence, it is important to give some time to the formatting process. You can ask for a friend’s opinion on your book’s formatting and can also consider hiring professional help for the best outcomes.

5. Watch Out for Scams

There are many challenges to self-publishing a book, especially for novice writers. Many self-publishers find themselves at the mercy of someone who may charge a hefty amount in exchange for hopes of publishing their book. Unfortunately, many writers never hear back or see their books published through such resources.

Hence, it is better to ask people with experience for their suggestions. There is no harm in asking. Your friends and writing buddies can help you get in touch with someone reliable. Working with well-researched and reliable resources can be a great way to avoid scams along your journey.

6. Engage a Book Distributor

Self-publishers cannot overlook the importance of a reliable book distributor. These professionals are experts in pitching books to retailers, bookstores, libraries, and sales reps. They share a look at the burden of marketing your book.

However, it is important to take price quotes from different book distributors before hiring one. The prices and services can vary from one provider to another. Once you have a professional to take care of these things, you can spend your energy looking for ways to market your book.

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7. Market Your Book

One of the most important things every writer must understand is the importance of marketing your book. The world is filled with books, as millions are published every year. The chances of readers finding your book with little to no effort are very thin.

From guerrilla marketing efforts to social media ads, there are many ways to make your book organically discoverable online. You can also create an author’s website to update the world with your upcoming work. An author’s website can also help you increase your fan base by creating a mailing list.

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