The Teen Square

How To Get A Girlfriend In High School If You’re Fat: My 5 Secret Tips

Chances are if you’re looking up this topic, then you’re a fat teenage boy, and are convinced that no girl will ever want you. It’s not your imagination — getting a girlfriend in high school when you’re fat is hard.

But it doesn’t have to be as challenging as people make it seem.

I’ve been there, so I should know. 

Fortunately, you’re about to read my secret tips on how to get a girlfriend even if you’re fat.

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Take these tips as steps; you can’t move on to the next without completing the former.

Tip #1: Find Self-Confidence Before Getting A Girlfriend

Every girl loves a guy that exudes confidence, and the fact you’re searching for tips on how to get a girl means you aren’t quite confident in yourself or your looks.

I used to think I was bad at getting girls because of my looks. That was enough to put my flirting game in detention for years. 

But one thing helped me regain that confidence- acceptance. And I’m not talking about accepting defeat to ever getting a girl.

By acceptance, I mean to love yourself for who you are.

You’re fat. So? There are a hundred celebrities just as big -or even bigger- than you are. Nothing’s stopping them from thriving. 

Accepting how you are and believing that you’re attractive enough to get some attention is just the very first step to asking that girl of your dreams out on a date. 

In other words, confidence is key

Tip #2: Get Yourself out There to Meet More People (Girls)

In high school, when I still lacked self-confidence because of my size, I used to be by myself. That meant no social gatherings with my peers, no unimportant discussions, and certainly no sports. 

In retrospect, that was a huge mistake.

I hardly made any friends, and couldn’t land a romantic conversation with any girl. But some years later, I had a girlfriend on my arm at prom. 

Do you know what changed? I put myself out there.

I joined clubs in school and got involved in sports(I’m a tennis lover by the way).

I also participated in community projects and after-school classes.

The whole point was to get in touch with more and more people. 

But you don’t have to jump straight into people-packed situations. You can start small too. 

Be a good friend to people you meet; answer questions, give directions, and offer little acts of kindness. Just be nice, even if you’re not all out to get a girlfriend yet. 

By being nice to random students at your high school, you would be creating a cascade of social return favors and reaching more friendly faces. 

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Tip #3: Maintain A Hygiene/Exercise Routine

Research says exercise increases dopamine release to the brain, which can improve your mood, and is vital for overall mental well-being. 

And I’m not talking about getting a gym subscription, or running marathons every weekend in your neighborhood. Instead, take a quiet walk. Taking a 30-min walk every day will do more good for you than most advice would.

Just so you know, it’s commendable to exercise regularly because it means you are taking a stand on how you look. But I hope your reason for exercising ends at wanting a healthier and happier life, and not because you think people would like you more if you do lose weight.

That is terrible thinking, and a show of how mentally enslaved you are to people that don’t give a monkey about you.

Every decision you make should be because of you, not because you want to know how to get a girlfriend in high school if you’re fat.

Tip #4: Don’t be Scared Girls May Reject You

I know I just gave a whole emotional speech on how people’s ideas shouldn’t influence your decisions. Maybe I didn’t flesh out that thought as well as I should have.

Don’t let your entire decision be based on someone’s opinions. 

Being afraid of rejection is very normal; at a job interview, at a talent show, and even when asking a girl out. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.

When you’ve ticked all the previous boxes, this is probably the only clog left in your wheel to get a girlfriend before graduation. 

Who cares what they’ll think? (I mean, you do, but really, WHO CARES??) Put on your big boy pants, go out there, and talk to her. 

But there’s something you should know.

If a girl doesn’t date you solely on the fact that you are -hopefully not excessively- fat, then she’s not worth dating. 

Do with that piece of advice what you will.

And finally…

Tip #5: Show Off Your Personality

Let’s say she gives you a chance on a date after you’ve completed the previous steps. One word could make or break your efforts leading up to that moment. 

My advice is don’t force the conversation. Make her laugh, charm her, be a good listener, and respect her throughout the date. 

Once you’ve gained confidence in yourself and your looks, holding a conversation shouldn’t be difficult. 

And once you do that, you should be able to get a girlfriend even if you’re fat.

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How Do You Impress Your Girl Crush if You’re Fat?

Be yourself. Dress well every day. Keep your boundaries and principles, love yourself for who you are, and show self-confidence ALWAYS. I can’t stress enough how girls love a guy that’s confident. 

Will A Girl Like Me More if I Lose Weight?

Losing weight is good for a healthy and happy life. In fact, you can’t have a healthy diet routine without losing weight if you’re already overweight. 

Actively losing weight should be your thing. You shouldn’t go to the gym and stress over a diet every day just to please a girl. That just screams low self-esteem. If she’s worth dating, you’re worth being accepted the way you are.

How To Be Attractive Even When You’re Overweight

Your looks set an impression much faster than your words could. Set that reputation. Never dress shabbily to school. By dressing well, living a healthy life that shows, and being yourself all the time, the right girl would find you attractive. That’s a bet!

How to Get A Girlfriend in High School if You Are Fat Conclusion

To get a girlfriend in high school if you are fat isn’t easy, but it’s not rocket science either. Just take the steps in order, and you’ll be someone’s ‘sugar’ soon enough.

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